Monday, September 29, 2008

Okay our friendships are broken with hurt. What happen to you? Do you care ! How can you gossip behind my friends and my back. We did not even tell anybody about this situation. You told nasty things abt me and you change the whole story. Is this the person i thought i tresure the friendship like this. I am not going to fight back at all. Soon people will know your darkset secrects and what you have said about them behimd their backs. Even about the things you said about the people you hang out with. They do not know yet but will soon. You think i do not know what you tell the n.a girls. Romours are spreading fast. If you can do this so can i. I will spread too , and it will be harsh cuz you did not care about my feelings and most important my friends. It is alright , what goes around comes around.As for the person who has been bestfriends with Xin ying you betray her alot. She treated you as a brother as someone who will always be there for you. Everytime you was in trouble she stood up for you and now you ignore her.What are you?
Ps:Turn back to yourself!

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