Thursday, November 27, 2008


Okay so I have yet to see my friends for a long time . Recently , I found out something I can hardly take in , it is about someone i trust alot. It is kind of shocking but what can i do anymore but just take it in. Anyway my whole clique build our friendship through TRUST and to me this is very important. This value is important in friendships and any other thing that you have to bond with somebody.I would like to say that TRUST is something that you earn through hardship . This year i learned alot , the ones i thought i could trust was not really the ones i could trust! I am not bringing back the past but I am using this as an example to this situation. You see what is the point of having an inner circle of friendship when you know that the people inside it is not really totally 100% honesty with you? I am not saying that people do not make mistakes but if you know that the lie is going to continue after other lies , don't you think you should stop before you are caught ?I thought that during the holidays i could actually take a rest form the whole year, cause this year was considered a painful year for me. Many things had happen and it is already very difficult to forget about it. I was told that the situation that i am facing is kind of bad. I do not think it is actually harming anybody but i think it is making me lose my trust of our friendship. I actually thought that this situation is actually real but it is so totally not. I am not really angry but a little disappointed in YOU! You have been a great best friend and i am grateful and i know you are not aware of what is going on but please Stop. Anyway life is not really that great for me this days but i guess i have to go with it. Anyway that is all i have to say.

PS:Thanks Xin Ying and Bei Yi for coming to see me, appreciate it!
And i miss you guys alot , can't wait to see you!

Oh could PS stop asking me about class outing !I am not sure means i am not sure!You are plain annoying the first thing you say is this when you come online. You think it is alright , well i think it is irritating!

Okay got to go bye!

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