Saturday, November 1, 2008

We had Fun @ KAS!

Today got up at 8.30. I had to rush cuz i laze around for awhile. Naomi and me went to heartland to work to earn some cash. We reached heartland at abt 10.35pm. My sis gave as some instructions and we followed it . DUH! Anyway we started by putting flyers in the letter box of two HDB blocks . Then we decide to put some flyers at the landed property's. We had lots of fun. Dogs would come out and try to attack me . Haha! There was one house that had a dog and i did not know. All of a sudden it jump at the fence and barked at me! I jumped and a Malay couple laughed at me , so did Naomi not forgetting me!Haha!We went back and collected our money. We took two bus to Tp to go to Kas house. Shan came , it has been awhile since we have seen her. At first it was weird but then everything went well. We talked abt stuff lky what had happen in school this year. We had many things in common. Lky i said wasted we never took pictures. But we had alot of fun. Kas mom cooking was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!Then met Sha for awhile downstairs doing stuff.Haha!Went home with Sophia, had a great day!Can't wait for Monday , we all going to watch High School Musical 3. Sha going to miss volleyball to follow us and celebrate Naomi 's Birthday!
That is all got to go Bye!

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