Friday, January 2, 2009

The Begining of sec4 and the Last year in 2009

Okay so this is the last year for me and the rest of the class!It is really saddening ! Okay but before i start my long story i would like to say that my form-teacher is (Drum roll)Mr Tang!Yes!
Today i woke up unhappy cuz i so wanted to ditch school, i cried like crap....But i decided to go because i know that my bestfriends desperately wanted to see me(I am a thick skin , haha). Anyway i just went to school.My whole clique started to be super hyper, especially Xin Ying , she was my partner in the hall.We were like none stop cracking jokes.Oh , i forgot today is Bei Yi's Birthday.Happy Birthday.Haha:)Finally, school is re-open that i am a little happy cuz i miss alot of people!Wait a minute i forgot to say Valerie and Nur is our class monitors this year , wonder how it is going to be like. I will just be relaxing in some kinda of way(no offence). Good luck to you guys!I am super happy i am not the monitress now i can finally be ME!The joker having fun , yup but not alot like before cuz of "N" levels.I also like to say that i kinda of miss Ms Ong right now , she was like a bigger sister to me. Secretly,joking at the back of the class amuse with the things we see!Oh yeah Sha i understand you are busy with your cca volleyball and yes you have competitions coming up and you need to practise.Yup i gonna close one and understand because you did the same for me during the holiday.So i will meet you on Wednesday like you say.This few days or let's say weeks you are busy understand juz do not over stress yourself okay!Be here for you anytime . Overall today was a great day:)Here we come ppl , 4e1 is going to shake the building down, so yup watch out!Oh Vitoria "A ", you better give me back that photo it is mine not yours, i look like a goldfish , especially next to"D"with the Donkey ass face.You die!haha.Sunday if i see you downstairs you are going to get it:)Kar yun , if you read this i know you are laughing.Your cup look's like harry potter.Bring a cape and we shall play harry bladder.hehe:)We shall joke about you know who.Hehe again!Today there will be supernatural.yes!Okay i got go:)

okay bye and peace out ppl!

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