Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who you think you are?Pls i am so not scared!

Okay !
I am making it straight!For the last time if you wanna blog abt me , pls think again cuz you are full of bullshit. I mean you wanna fight bring it on lah!Okay i have seen ppl more scary then you .Wait you are not even close to scary , you are just lame.Yeah i remember last year like i care abt what you think ! NOT!DUH!I mean as long your fat ass does not disturb my friends i am okay with it.Do you think you are so innocent. Pls!Yucks you suck!Really!I mean what kind of person is willing to break a ten year friendship , so that she can be in the attention of Attraction.
Like you say you come to school to study but all i can say is that you are being a big bully and causing friendship to break.Are you proud of yourself?I do not think so! If you read this good i am not scared of you only pleased you saw yourself in this mirror. Haha , so get over it . Really.Oh stop giving me you fake smiles cuz we all know who you are a big FAKE!So do not mess with me, i am so not giving you anymore chances. You want revenge over sec 1 how lame are you!Think you nice as you claim to be. NOT OVER MY DEAD BODY! Ain't like you i am facing real problem s that have to do with all my surroundings. So use your time on better stuff lah.So i am not going to waste my freaking time on you , who has no life but boys. So do not step in my way , i mean it.You think i am jealous that you have a so called"Big group", what we have done you have never done.Haha . Beat that!We have gone through hardships, problems that are real not some stupid thing like "Does that boy like me"Yucks and we have more fun then you will ever know. We also know who we can trust not friends who pretend to be by your side but leaves after there is trouble.Look none of this you will have.You think i do not know that you do not like me. I GOT OVER THAT LONG TIME AGO,AND I AM STILL LIVING!AND BETTER THEN EVER!.So for the last time leave my clique alone and my friends.I MEAN IT!
peace out love you guys:)
you know who you are!
Oh Naomi hope you are okay , mistakes do happen just learn from it okay:)
Miss you alot:)Really- you know who you are!

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