Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hey Everyone ,
Todae loads of animals came to our school.There were animals like Horses , Dogs , Hamster and Rabbits . Izzit interesting to here this ? Not! Anyway today my music teacher came late so there was no lessons today at all. So we decided to make alot of videos . It is so funny that carine saved it into her thumbdrive . Carine is one of my great friends cuz she neva fails to make me laugh . Anyway , my P.E teacher is also very funny cuz he acts a little gay in such ways in a good way. When i say "gay" i mean happy. I was irratating him and naomi did the same too. Haha!Nur gave me some nice organic cookies. It is from Marks and Spencers. Today what irratated me the most is the Enrichment for CPA. I nearly died but thanks to vee i was able to do most of my work. Thanks vee. Cip also a little troblesome as to what to wear. Anyway that is abt all i have to say.

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