Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hello everyone ,
Yestrday we went to nur's birthday party, it was one of the best party i have been too. We all went to escape theme park , the rides were so scary especially the inverter. It was so scary as i felt lky i was going to fall off my seat , the inverter keeped on turning upside down. We went on that ride for about 5 times although i was exetremly scared lky a donkey.Pamela and xin ying made me even more scared by screaming very loudly. Then we went on the rainbow ride it was so cool but i was laughing , crying and screaming . Haha! Letita was a great help for many of the rides and so was jaspreet. But the worst thing that happen yesterday was the bumper ride. I felt embarrased as i banged or lets say crashed into the fence . The impact was so pain that i nearly fell out of my car . Now my back feel so pain. Jaspreet shouted at one of the instructor to help me immediately . The worst part of it was that they needed four people to get the car out of the fence , but that is not the worst thing yet i had to walk down the road and everybody stared at me as if i was an idiot . Later we went to Burger King to have a drink , Let me tell you the drinks there are not like any other drinks it taste so nice that you just have get another cup. Cool ritx .Later we went to the shipwreck ride it moved so high up that my face turned so pail that i looked lky i was going to vomit. Haha! Then we went to the hunted house , there was these three boys who were lky idiots they locked us in the hunted house. What the hell lah . So irratating ! Jaspreet and i was scolding them terriblely. Kar yun was a pain in the ass . Just kidding!Oh ,i forgot pamela and jaspreet lky one of the boy who was working over there but he is cute . After all we enjoyed. I would lky to say thank you to my bestfriend nur. Thanks! Also to naomi abt the tee.
Love your sweet blogger,

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