Friday, June 20, 2008

Okay i am pissed with some of my bestfriends at the moment right now. They say they would come and last minute they do not for no reason. Do you all think it is funny cuz i do not. YOU KNOW WHO ALL OF YOU ARE! If you think it is a great joke then you are actually wrong. I am not a toy you can play with when you want. Seriously , i did not do anything wrong to you all! What is all of your all FREAKING problem. Could you all at least understand my feelings. Everytime when you are down i am always at all of your sides. Could you a least be at mine? Why do all of you take advantage of me. I am human do you all not know that. Well i guess not! It suxed to be treated lky this. First is l--- now what? Friends who i thought was loyal you got to be kinding me. Now someone i know is leaving to other country and will be staying there till this person parents is happy! How hurt can i get?.It is depressing for me. How long do you think i can take all of this. When day comes it will be too late for anyone to say sorry. I had it with life! IT REALLY STINKS.......I am tired of being treated lky this. I AM DONE!!!!!oh , for the ppl who never fails to hurt me . Thanks
*PS :Time is Running!!!!

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