Thursday, July 10, 2008

It is time you move on,
It is no more the same
and life has got to change.
I will treat you nothin but a stranger.
You do not deserve anything from me anymore.
You used me and plan everything to hurt me.
That is why bad karma always happens to you and your s------.
I will never help an ungrateful person like you.
Your words are full of lies.
No one can trust you anymore not even me.
I was blinded by your lies and now i am hurt.
How can you be so selfish? Could you answer this.
The laters you gave me are the nothin but unworthy words.
You are a user! and will forever be.
I will erase all memories of you and i should stay away from you.
Never say your sorry cuz it does not anything to me.
You are a flirt and will always be , leave me alone.
You only now how to skrew ppls life and you are nothin but hurt.
Till today there is a scare in my heart!

I will never see your face again with a hope of faith as it will break into piece like a fine glass.!

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