Monday, October 20, 2008

I will miss you GURLS!

Hey school is finally going to finish . I am so going to be sad cuz i will miss all of my friends , let's say bestfriends . I know i can see them during the holidays but it is telling me that i only have about one more year with them . Everything we have been through together is soon going to come to an end . All the funny things we have done together , all the trouble we got together and all the times we cried together , not forgetting the times we stuck together. I will really miss you gurls so much . I really do not know how i am going to continue my future without you gurls. All the great support i received from all of you . I will never forget all the moments we shared. I am so going to really miss it all ! Time flys so fast when you enjoying your time. I will never forget you gurls at all . Do you feel that when you finally found something special , time flys o fast? This is the question i ask myslef every single day but hey life has to go on but it won't be the same without all of you.

Some pics to remember:

PS: Love gurls so much:)

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