Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yesterday was a special day!

Happy Birthday Jaspreet!I hope all your wishes come true:) Yesterday , the day started sad and i was nervous because i aws scared that my pops would not let me go out with Sha. Really , i wanted to go out with Sha! So the day before yesterday i asked naomi to call me so that i can confirm with my pops if i can go out. So naomi called at 10am and my pops said YES! So i told naomi but she was blur as to what i was hinting to her. Silly girl! Haha:) So i got ready about 1pm after meeting my outside friends as you know we were dancing like idiots. So i called her and she was waiting at the bus-stop. So sweet. We were irratating each other in thew bus , espically me . DUH! Hey , a girl has to do that sometimes!!! So i wanted to eat ice cream but Sha wanted to eat a meal. So we went around looking and decided to go Downtown East , we decided KFC . We ate and kept on talking about our friends and how we felt the first day we met and talked to each other. After eating we went to Pasir Ris park. We walked for abot 1 hour to find the right place.Eventually we had to turn back. We sat on the benchand talked and then what happen next is a mistery . Haha! But yesterday made me realise that you are special in many ways. My favourite part is when we looked at the ocean at the beach and i realised all my mistakes. But you comfort me so much.And every word i told you was so real. In the bus when you held me tight and for the first time i did not want to leave at all. You even _ _ _ _ _ in front of me! That was so sweet. TO SEE YOU _ _ _ was so special. Thank you!I wanted to _ _ _ but i control it all in.When i am with you my world turns in to light. I do not want to hurt you at all!iI think you should know you are Hot , Sweet , Understanding and there is more than words can describe. Yesterday is the day i will never forget. I Love You!I never want to let you go! Ilu babe:)Wasted no pictures. But hey we do not pictures to remember this day. Oh i also got grounded but hey it is worth it. Sha you are the BEST.

PS:Your love makes me feel special.!1!

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