Friday, November 28, 2008

1. Do you have secrets?

duh....of course

2.Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?

That is for destiny to take its course

3.Do you enjoy going to school?


4.What is your current dream job?

Um.. I have alot , so i can't choice.

5.Will you fal in love with your bestfriend?

That is crazy talk!

6.Which is more bless,Loving someone or being loved by someone?

Being loved of course

7.Will you forgive the people who has played arnd with your feelings?

Honestly ,it will take time and i must see the situation first.

8.If the person you like knows that you like him/her,what would your reaction be is he/she said yes?

Totally happy duh!

9.Is there anything that made you happy?

Yup my friends , my family and Sha!

10.What takes you down the fastest?

My emotions

11.How would see yourself in 10 years?

Being successful and rich

12.Who is currently the most important people to you?


13.What is/are the most important things in your life?

My love and mp3

14.Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?

Poor and married

15.what is your favourite colour?


16.Would you give your all in a relationship?


17.If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously.who would you pick?

I am not a cheater , do you know that?

18.Will you confess to the person you like/love?

See the situation first!

19.What i feel like doing now?

Being with my friends and SHA!

20.5 ppl to tag

Jin gui





I love doing surveys becoz of ms , jingui:)haha!

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