Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Okay today is a very special it's my dads birthday and it was fantastic!We celebrated by going to Cafe Cartel , it was my sister treat and we ate alot. But my elder sister went to work so she did not join. That was the only thing that was missing. But i am happy that my dad had a great time with us. I would like to thank him for the great support he has given me till the day i was born. You have been a wonderful dad not only to me but my siblings.Thank you! Anyway that is all i have to say, gtg .Oh this si for all the girls , Miss Ong has change the Cpa lesson cuz she wants the track girls to attend , so it will be on 10dec from 11am to 4 pm. Happy reading!bye

Ps:You are the Best Father

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