Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finally , i just got a haircut! Let me tell you it is not what you think , it is not short haircut it is just a trim, So... Relax! I miss my clique alot but i am going to ask them out again!Hehe:)I decided to study sec2 science becuz next year "n" levels. Anyway now i need to find the sec 1 science book cuz i accidentally threw it. Opps! Anyway i would to tell YOU that if you think by smsing my bestfriend about you watching Bolt is going to jealous us, I would like to say THINK AGAIN! cuz you are totally wrong!We are not interested to watch it , anyway we are mature enough to prepare ourselves to watch Twilight!You are very irritating at some points!Please piss off , you irritating person!Come on people have lives you know. Work your freaking Brain of yours to know that you should not mess with us. I am sick and tired of you people ruining peoples life with your selfishness and irritating ways not even aware that we to are human beings and have feelings too. Like the saying says"What goes around , comes around"!So if you did not notice things are starting to change around you terriblely and i am not going to pay freaking precious time on you people next as i will be spending it on My Bff's which i mean my clique, Sha and of course my "n" levels.So screw you!

Ps:You suck , leave us alone!

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