Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Brother Ashley!

Today my youngest and cuttest brother turns six years old. Yup , we celebrated with a very nice chocolate cake!He looked so happy :)Anyway today i did some studying like example , English homework which only left the first three pages to finish and science sec2 which i finish two chapter of it and maths revision, I used the workbook and did some of the question. I am too scared for next year 'N' levels! Next year is going to be very stressful:( Anyway i called Sha today, we talked and laugh alot. The first thing i said to her was " Do you know i cut my hair like an apek and it has bald patches" which was a joke. Then she said"HUH'!. Then i told her "Are you crazy i will never cut like that'!Both of us laugh!Haha:)Yup and then we talked long story....
Oh yeah this is for you , KAR YUN CAN YOU PLEASE PICK UP YOUR HANDPHONE, HOW TO MEET YOU IF YOU DO NOT PICK UP YOUR PHONE BESTFRIEND! Anyway Xin Ying i hope you are feeling okay, don;t be sad okay you got your clique,remember?!Haha ! Anyway miss you guys alot! Will meet up soon....Thanks Kar yun for sending me my home and yes i liked your letter alot, apperciate it!Naomi reply my instant message okay!

Okay gtg bye!

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