Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1 day till exams are over!

Going crazy is thing to do right now!
1 more day till all exams are so called finally over!
Just run like the wind and do not look back at all..
Today is the last day of written paper , I think i will not do well this term.I am so disappointed for science paper 2 and f&n today.I mean what are they thinking by making the paper like..urm no offence shit..... I can say this are the two most difficult paper i have ever sat for.Do you know how disappointed the whole class?Everyone was like so pissed.I bet once Mr P steps into the class everyone will explode at him!This few week a little boring cuz like school finishes early but is nice having your clique around.Dear Naomi and Jin Gui please take good care of yourselves so that we can have full energy to play and mess around.Hehe!Today enjoy my day with the clique but jinn you was not there because you needed to see the what vee say there is only like two more weeks till school is official over but everyone forgot there is extra lessons in June for the first two weeks. Yes!My clique and I are planning to watch movie.I am super happy about the great news i received from my dad!My bro Ashely is coming back home to us tomorrow.Poor little boy in the hospital for already8 days.. But i am happy to have you back.We are going to catch up on the time missed together by playing.Hehe!I love you bro:)Awww, to emotional now.Anyway toady there is Red Thread, Adrian pang and Eunice Olsen.Yeah!Must watch so interesting....Today in the morning smiling like an idiot in the classroom..Wonder why?Hehe i know..For me to know and for you to find out.My motto!Wai Yee is so naughty keep taking unglam photos , really I looked super retard but not as bad as Kar got to go!Oh!Whatever it is that you feel like giving up Naomi , don't because i know you can do it.You are my best friend , you can do anything your heart desires..:)
Take care and peace out ppl!

Love, Bridget:)

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