Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poems that mean something about me!

This are some poem that i am feeling right now but i just can't type it out in my own words so read the poem to understand:)There are alot of things that are happening right now that i do not want to talk about .I feel so pissed , a little unhappy , sometimes happy and sad about something since i came in to pl in sec 1. I can never feel the peace i am looking for but what makes my strive to be positive are the support and encouragement form my clique:)Thanks!EXAMS ARE REALLY STRESSING THAT I REALLY FEEL TIRED AND SICK PHYSICALLY.I do not want to disappoint my dad with my results, though i do not talk much to anyone a home , you still mean a lot to me dad.I wish you knew that . Anyway for mom thanks for taking good care for me when i sick, though we tend to fight in the past , you are still the best mom i can never get anywhere.Thank you:)

Submitted by: *DEZZI*
Author: Dorinda Daivs

Living life so hopelessly.
Trying to block it out as I walk along.
Nothing really gets to me.
Remembering always to be strong.
Then I realize it's all in vein.
In the end I'll only fail.
There is no way to stop this pain.
Nothings true, it's all a tall tale.
Caring isn't worth the effort.
Trying won't get me anything.
Eventually I'll just end up hurt.
That's all this crazy world will ever bring.
Still I continue to search for more.
I keep going with no clue why.
With hope there will be an open door.
Maybe someday I won't have to cry.

The second poem:So Long (Maybe we'll meet again someday)
Created by bedhead101

All I want to do
Is turn this plane around
Go back to the place
That I now call home
Because I want to swim in the
the waves crashing on the shore

I want to lay down in the sand
And stay there forever more

I want to sleep under the stars
And feel the warmth of the breeze
I want to do what I like

And live a life of ease
I want to wake up knowing
That I'm going to see my friends

Have the time of my life
And hope it never ends
I want to hear the sound of laughter
Of happiness in the air

I want to make this last forever
Because these are special moments we can share
But most of all

I want to see you again
But I might not

I may not ever see you again
So I let the tears fall I just can't forget about it all
Leaving all this behind seems impossible to do
And I know there'll be many heartaches to get through
I hate saying goodbye
I wish we could wind back time
Start all over again
Relive these past few days
But now all I have is memories
Of some of the best moments
I've ever had
They always overwhelm me
And I can't help but feel sad
So scared that it'll never happen again
That I'll never see the wonderful people I've met ever again
Including you
Especially you
And it hurts to know
That you're all still there
Without me

So far away
Yet my memory's so clear I can remember every detail
It almost feels like I'm there
But I'm not
And even if I come back next year
You'll all be gone
So I guess that all that's left to say is
So long
Maybe we'll meet again someday

Go play quizes here:

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