Thursday, June 4, 2009


Deciding is what makes who we are!
You make me happy:)
Hello people of the same world:D

Today I was thinking about something that has been troubling me because of a decision that will be made from this situation . Have you ever wonder why we all have to make decisions? But then i realize that decisions are made in order to suit the person's lifestyle to the best that it can. But... what if the decision made is than later regretted because you really did not think to much of it and made a rash decision. This decision that I am waiting for is kidda of big to me. But many people will ask me why am I blogging about this. Well though we make decisions everyday , what about something or someone that means something to you? What if this decision will impact you for life or worst effect you in different areas of your life ?Yup , I do know it is so simple to make decisions , well all you need to say is either a Yes or a No! correct?What if later it is too late to back down from your decisions.What if later you start to realise you hurt someone terribly Cause you took them for granted or because you are scared of what will happen. Decisions are also made by many people by looking back in the past events of maybe a person , a thing the outcome of it in the past? I would not say I do not this but have we ever stopped and tell ourselves that we should give each other chances or whatever it is a second chance to prove that maybe the decision made before was not right or maybe wrong?What if the decision you made makes you happy but it does make the people who cares for you and you care about alot happy?but you know if this decision makes you happy but you have to sacrifice it to make others happy , will you do it? Someone once told me if the people that are around are not happy with the decision you made do not really care much for you but care only for themselves. But at the other hand if this person you know cares alot for you and knows you very long is not okay with the decision you made , is someone who is not ready to let you explore for they are scared you may not return back the same. But what I have learnt is that we should make our decisions now by looking back at the past and the changes that is shown in the present!Cause i feel that every now and then we have think that everything does not stays the same from the person to thing you have. I do know all we can do is look at the facts and be grateful for the people who are around us that supports the decision you make. All I can say we should make decisions through careful thinking!I now leave you this post to think carefully when you are making a decision.
Oh!Naomi you rock for the concert , I am so proud of you! My Bestfriend for life!

Peace out!


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