Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let me tell you Singapore won for table-tennis. OMG! Feng Tianwei you made Singapore proud and me! You are the best :) Anyway it has been awhile since i wrote in my blog but all i can say is that many things happen.From friends , to outside friends , family , teachers and last of all fights. Okay let me just say that i am extremely angry with Rachel and if you do read this blog pls listen! Thank you. So let me tell y0u what happen during my rime of absence from blogging.Lets talk about friends , there was some difficulties recently but everything worked out and now my clique knows who to trust.And i am extremely glad that i got all of you guys back cuz i seriously miss all of you guys! As for my outside friends i happy that all of us are okay, no serious injuries.
To my family may we be united till lived to see another day together. Last of all to my form -teacher i am extremely sorry for being rude and hopefully you will forgive me. Oh now while writing this entry i would like to thank all of my bestfriends for their great support. but recently i have having great feelings over someone i think you may just be the one. I am sure if i should telll you yet. If it is you this will be our first time ,we willl be very happy. Anyway thanks to all my readers for reading my blog!One last thing thanks to the twins group too.
Bye and love you all!
Ps: I think i should tell you soonand i will!

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